Who really wants to hear the truth? Depending on what truthful statement you are making or to whom you are making the truthful statement to, will decide if we can except it or reject it. Hearing the hard facts is can sometimes be painful – and collaborating on them can be even harder. So, to all that may read this blog – and to all who will run away because of the title – I wish you the strength, courage and perseverance to always speak the truth of the matter.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tonight at my daughter’s school band concert, I had to hold back my tears because I was so proud. She sat up straight in her chair, flute in hand, as I watch my first born child play in harmony with the other band members. I thought about the first time I held her in my arms – look at her now. Growing into a young lady of musical talent – I know it is only 6 months away before she will be entering middle school – only 5 years away before she will be entering into college. I look down at my baby girl, she seem to be proud of her sister too. She eagerly watches “her sister’s” band play in harmony and chime. She seem as if she was imaging herself in band soon. She looks up at me as to say “I’m next mom!”
My girls.
I always want to be there for them. To protect them from harm and the craziness in this world-but that would be impossible. They were already tainted when I gave birth to them. They were born into a world of sin. The only thing I can do is teach, encourage, and guide them to the right path. Ultimately, the choice is theirs.
We tell ourselves as parents, we will never be as strict as our parents -we would not do this or would not do that. Now that I am older and have children of my own, a lot of what my mother and father taught me, I consider it as a blessing today! All of their tactics or teachings I do not agree with, but the majority of what they taught me, I intend to pass down to my children. My parents taught me the importance of knowing Christ, the importunates of an education, hard work, and disciple. Nothing in this world will be handed to you – and so I install those values in my children. But, unlike my parents, I want them to be independent. I want them to make their own choices, but also know how to make wise choices, and give them the trust and freedom to do so. I want them to understand that I will not always be there when they need me, but God will. Ask him for help with any decision you need to make, with any difficulty you may have, and he will be there to answer your every call.
I want them to have the freedom and independence to be themselves. I want them to know how to trust others and love others as God love us. I want them to be able to see more then what is on the outside of a person – I want them to value people but most importantly themselves as a creation that has God made. I want them to understand, if you have nothing nice to say about a person, you should keep your distance and keep your mouth shut. If you must say something to relive yourself of stress or anguish, you should wait until you are in the comfort and protection of your own home. I want them to know, that words hurt – in the book of Matthew Jesus teaches us that it is not the food that we put in our mouths that defiles us, but it is the words that come out of our mouths that will defile us! I want my children to understand the value and hard work of a dollar but I also want them to understand how to save and manage their money, credit, and understand the importunates of budget planning. I want them to be the leader in their life – but know how to be a team player when the times come – and the knowledge to know the difference.
I’m nowhere near being a perfect mom – I have probably said something or done something that may screw one of them up for life – I may be too fussy, pushy, arrogant, and controlling – but when they are older I know for a fact that they will remember the words of their mother and father . I know, because I have remembered. The truth of the matter is ….. It was always up to me to listen. I always had a choice ~ as my children also have a choice.

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